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8 months before Congratulations!
Choose the Godfather and/or the Godmother and discuss with them for the christening
Start preparing any certifications you may need
6 months before Decide on the christening date and contact the church to book the ceremony
Decide your available budget
Decide if you want a small gathering of family and close friends or a big celebration
Prepare the guest list by collecting names
Contact Ktima Laniti to book the venue
4 months before Book the photographer and the cameraman
Choose your florist and decide the number of bouquets
Reserve DJ or live orchestra if you will need at the ceremony
2 months before Order the christening sweets 
The Godmother or/and the Godfather must find the baby’s baptism attire
Choose and order your invitations
1,5 month before Send out all the christening invitations
The Godparents are supposed to buy a present for the child’s mother
Make sure that you have any legal paper you may need
Purchase favors to give your guests as a memento for that day
2 weeks before Send to Ktima Laniti your sitting arrangement
Inform the DJ or the live orchestra for the kind of music you want
Prepare the christening bag with the towels and the clothes you may need on that day
Finalize your decorations in coordination with the florist and Ktima Laniti